Amy Skonieczny
( She/Her/Hers )Dr. Skonieczny is Professor at San Francisco State University in the International Relations Department. Her research interests include Populism and Foreign Policy, Narratives and US Trade Politics, and the study of national identity and foreign policy discourses. She completed her Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of Minnesota. She holds an MA in International Relations from San Francisco State University and a BA in Political Science from Humboldt State University.
Dr. Skonieczny’s publications over the past five years have focused on the rise of populism in the United States, particularly with the Trump presidency, and its impact on US trade policy. She is a co-editor of the book series Global Populisms and a board member of the journal Populism. Her recent publications include (2023) “The Trump Shock: Populism and Changing Narratives of US Foreign Policy” (with Georg Lofflmann and Rubrick Biegon) in Populist Foreign Policy: Regional Perspectives of Populism in the International Scene, edited by Philip Giurlando and Daniel Wajner, (2021) “Economic Security and the US-China Trade War” in Contemporary Cases in U.S. Foreign Policy: From National Security to Human Security. 6th edition, edited by Ralph Carter, (2021), Trump talk: Rethinking elections, rhetoric, and American foreign policy in the journal Politics, (2021), “Saying the Unspeakable: Populism, Performance and the Politics of Covid-19” forthcoming in Populism, Political Communication and Performative Leadership in International Politics, edited by Corina Lacatus, Georg Lofflmann and Gustav Meibauer (expected 2023) and The Trump Effect: Toxic Politics and Emotional Populism in US-China Relations (with Ancita Sherel), forthcoming in the Special Issue The Effects of Global Populism in the journal International Affairs, (expected 2024). She is also currently working to revise U.S. Foreign Policy: Paradox of World Power (with Steven Hook) for the 7th edition (expected 2024).
Dr. Skonieczny is an experienced and dedicated teacher. She has spent over a decade in the university classroom, and devotes a considerable amount of her time working with students on developing student writing and creating meaningful research projects on a wide-variety of IR topics. Dr. Skonieczny led the charge in the IR department by applying for and winning a 2017 CSU grant to rethink the curriculum with student success towards degree in mind.
Dr. Skonieczny’s experience teaching writing as well as other courses has led to collaboration and excellence in student writing. She is collaborating with two of her graduate students in her forthcoming publications as co-authors. In 2014, she collaborated with graduating IR senior, Giuliano Morse, to develop his IR 550 paper into a book-chapter titled, “Globalization and Occupy Wall Street,” that she co-authored in The SAGE Handbook of Globalization, edited by Manfred B. Steger, Paul Battersby and Joseph Siracusa. She has also helped develop student papers from her courses into conference papers delivered at the International Studies Association (both the annual meeting and the West Region). Since 2009 she has brought ten undergraduate students and five graduate students to ISA conferences and her 2015 undergraduate student won the best undergraduate paper award at ISA West. She is always looking for ways to inspire students to write at a higher academic level and to think about writing for a broader audience. She has presented her thoughts on teaching in several roundtables on pedagogy at the International Studies Association conferences and in a forthcoming book chapter titled “Teaching Writing as Social Justice” in the (2019) book Journeys in Teaching World Politics, edited by Jamie Frueh.
Website(s): Professor Skonieczny's Website